Saturday, August 27, 2016


I have had several names in my life.  I was born Jennifer but my parents called me Jenny from birth.  I was Jenny until sometime in late elementary school or junior high when I switched to the more "grown up" Jennifer.  Several years I was Jenny C. in school because there were so many of us Jenny's in the early 80's.  And I want to say when I was around 8 or 9 years old, I went through a phase where I played with the spelling of Jenny, trying Jennie, Jenney, etc...  In high school it got shortened from Jennifer to Jen.  And then in college I couldn't decide if Jen had one 'n' or two, so my college roommates called me Jen(n), pronounced "Jen with an optional 'n'."  But I have basically been Jen or Jennifer to everyone for the past 25 years or so... except Ryan.  Ryan called me Jenny.  I didn't really realize how special that was to me until a few friends I have known since kindergarten contacted me recently and called me Jenny.  It was a comfort to hear that or read that, because I have missed hearing that word from my Ryan these past two months.  Even my parents reverted to calling me Jen over the years, so I really only see "Jenny" on notes and cards from Ryan.  Reading that greeting from others this past week gave me comfort, even if it was unknowingly given.  Every day, usually sometimes several times throughout the day, Ryan would say (and text or email), "I love you, Jenny."  He was always telling me and saying that to me.  In fact, those were indeed the last words he both said and wrote to me.  Below is the last time Ryan wrote my name.  Seeing and hearing my name as Jenny somehow brought me comfort this week.

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