Saturday, August 13, 2016


Today is our Dana's fifteenth birthday.  She is getting so old and frail, just weighing four pounds now.  But she is still full of spunk and snuggles, for an old kitty.  Dana was Ryan and I's first baby.  In 2001, after we were married, Ryan decided to get me a kitten for my birthday.  We adopted her from a shelter in Shreveport, Louisiana on my birthday (in October) when she was eight weeks old (making her birthday on August 13th).  Dana has traveled through probably over 20 states in her 15 years and lived in 8 different states.  Military kitty.  And, of course, as my cat, she always loved Ryan more than me.  She would walk across me to sit in his lap, choosing me only if Ryan wasn't available.  And Ryan truly loved his fur baby girl, saying he didn't really care for cats, but Dana isn't a cat, she's our Dana. Here is a picture of Dana this year and one with her and Ryan from 2002.

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