Friday, September 23, 2016

moving day

Quick update, our household goods got delivered yesterday. The crew was there from 10am to 8pm, so a long day!  But I am so thankful it went smoothly.  We have had a lot of PCS crews and this one was one of the nicest.  A blessing.  I think I only teared up three times, once when they brought in Ryan's nightstand, once when a box came in labeled "husband's stuff," and a third time when the crew was assembling Kate's loft bed.  I overheard the workers commenting to each other on how awesome the bed was and how well made it is.  Ryan planned and built that bed for Kate - and it IS awesome and well-made.  I wish Ryan could have heard their compliments.  He was so humble, but would have like to hear their words.  Just so many emotions to process today.

Also, mid-day yesterday a second and third fire broke out on Vandenberg AFB.  They had already been battling a huge 10,000 acre blaze on South Base, where the SLC's (space launch centers) are located.  But these other two fires are on North Base, where a majority of the buildings, BX, commissary, housing are.  Thankfully housing is not in the path.  But only mission essential personnel are to be on base today, as a precaution.  Which means my sister and her husband get the day off to up me unpack...  :)  I put a few pictures of the view of the fire from our house below.  California just so badly needs rain.  If my Texas friends are reading this, will y'all send some of your rain this way??  And please pray for the hardworking firefighters who have put in so many long and dangerous hours this past week.  They are amazing.

The last thing I will share real quick is a blessing.  Yesterday evening our next door neighbors came by to introduce themselves, with a basket of warm bread and coffee.  They have two children, a daughter Kate's age and a son Charlie's age.  I almost cried and hugged them, because one of my prayers has been friends for Kate and Char.  But I thought a crying hug would be an awkward first impression, especially being the sweaty mess I was from moving - so I will just save that for another day.  You have to ease people into your craziness, right??  But it was just such a sweet blessing to have friendly neighbors welcome us.  

It is these little blessings, where God puts in on someone's heart to reach out, that bless us the most.  So I just encourage you all to smile at others, listen to God's gentle urge to step outside a comfort zone, and just know that your small kindnesses may go a lot further than you think.  My new neighbors probably have no idea at how much I needed a smile last night.

Now on to a weekend of unpacking, organizing, and probably a whole lot of emotions.  

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