Friday, October 14, 2016

camp out

So I just dropped my little guy off at his first camp-out without Daddy.  Pray for us.  Charlie seemed okay since his uncle is one of the scout leaders and is with him.  But he was quiet on the drive there and I am a mess.  We have actually never left Char overnight before without a parent.  So this is a first and I am trying not to worry.  Please pray that Charlie have a good time this weekend and that the other boys be sweet and kind to him, and that he not stress (he worries, like his mama) or be overcome with sadness, that the weekend is a time of healing and overcoming fears for him (and me).
Here is the sunset tonight from the camp site up on a radar site on base, it was gorgeous:
Sunday, October 16th UPDATE:  The camp-out went well, despite the weather.   California hasn't had rain in months, but of course it rained all weekend during the camp-out...  But the boys were troopers.  Charlie made it through Friday night, sharing a tent with his buddy and lots of glow sticks.  I did not sleep a lot that night, just was very emotional.  I stayed at the campsite until about 7pm, said good night to Char and then hung out with Kate and my sister until really late at night.  Saturday the boys spent the morning learning about radio transmissions and talking to other scouts via radio.  I came up to the campsite late Saturday afternoon, where the boys were playing monopoly in a tent due to the downpours outside.  Charlie was having fun but was tired and didn't want to spend the second night.  We stayed through dinner and left to sleep in our own beds.  Then we returned early this morning to help pack out and get all the boys back to the church parking lot.  I am so proud of Charlie - he did really well, seemed to get to know the other boys, and truly had fun.  I am so thankful my brother-in-law was there to watch out over Charle (& respond to my many texts!).  And Charlie knew his limits well enough to say he did not want to sleep out a second night and that was totally fine.  The leaders van actually broke down over the weekend, so I loaded up five of the boys in my car this morning to get them from the campsite to the church.  It was fun listening to all these 10 and 11 year old boys talk and made my heart happy to see Charlie smiling with them.  Thank you all SO much for praying for us this weekend.  Now I am off throw muddy scout gear into the washer, put some warm soup on the stove, and possibly take a nap...
monopoly game

rainy day at radio site

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