Tuesday, May 15, 2018

lessons beyond the grave

I had the privilege of attending a conference hosted by my Renovaré Institute program at my alma mater, Westmont College, in Santa Barbara tonight where Richard Foster, author of the book Celebration of Discipline, spoke.  Richard Foster’s words are always so straightforward, thought-provoking, and yet filled with love and grace-infused wisdom, just like his books are.  It was also a nice evening to just reconnect face to face with some of my beloved fellow students and faculty from Renovare.  I will not see most of them again until our third semester residency in November of this year.  I also got to reconnect briefly with two of my instructors tonight, Nathan Foster and Chris Hall. And on the drive home I decided to listen to one of the older Renovaré podcasts to fill the time during the hour drive.  I randomly picked a podcast from May 2015 simply because it had Nathan Foster interviewing Chris Hall and it felt like familiar friends to listen to their thoughts and conversation as I drove.  Most of the Renovaré podcasts are great and thought-provoking to listen to but I just had to share this one in particular tonight because anyone who has suffered a loss would find this conversation both intensely thought-provoking , but also abundantly hope-filling.  It’s a discussion about heaven, or life in the eternal Kingdom, and I found myself intrigued by the ideas and pictures Chris Hall paints of our life with God for the 10,000+ years.  It is worth the 25 minutes to listen!  Enjoy!

Podcast Link from May 2015:
Lessons Beyond the Grave

Richard Foster Renovaré Westmont
a picture I took on Saturday from Grass Mountain hike

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