Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Gold Star day

Gold Star FamilyToday is Gold Star Spouses day. My children and I were presented with military gold stars this past summer and entered a "family" of the bravest, strongest women I have ever met. We all belong to a club we never ever wished to be a part of even in our worst nightmares and yet I am so thankful for the love and advise of each of those who have journeyed alongside me.  They have shown me how to be strong and loved me when I wasn't.
This beautiful stained glass banner was a gift to me from a friend last summer.  If you see a gold star in someone's window, it is because they have lost a loved one due to a service-related military death.  A blue star means that someone is currently serving in the armed forces, usually in a combat zone.  Multiple stars stands for the number of members serving.  Also, Gold Star Mothers day, for those who have lost a child serving in the military is September 24th. 

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