Friday, January 6, 2017

half birthday

Today was Charlie's half birthday.  He asked if we could do something to celebrate it, so I baked him a half cake.  Seeing his delight and singing him half of "happy birthday" made me smile. 🎂 
Today was also an ice skating field trip with our homeschool group. ⛸   I LOVE ice skating but had not been on the ice since before my back surgery, when we lived in DC.  It felt really good to just be out exercising and enjoying the peacefulness I feel as I glide around the rink.
We finished the day at the annual Christmas tree bonfire in Solvang.  The local fire department collects trees, piles them up, and then lights them on fire.  There is music and venders, but the kids were mesmerized by the HUGE wall of fire.  It felt peaceful to be out under the stars, watching the excited kids hop around, the dancing flames dart about, and feeling the intense heat in contrast to the cold night. 🔥 
Today was a day of where my senses were overwhelmed but God's peace was present - and for that I am thankful. 🙏 

the half cake
little speed demon loves to skate
my skate buddy on the ice
Christmas tree bonfire

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