Thursday, November 24, 2016


"I give thanks to God always when I remember you." (Phil. 1:4)

Today marks five months since Ryan's death.  How does time go both so slowly and so quickly at the same time?  Today is also Thanksgiving and I am left wondering how to "give thanks" on a day like today.  But we give thanks, not because of how we feel or what situations we find ourselves in, but because of who God is.

It is a good thing to give thanks - to confess that God is deeply good, even when everything about the world feels like it's not.  And proclaiming "God is good" is not some cliche statement saved for our good days, when all is happy.  "God is good" is a radical, defiant cry for our most terrible days.  It is our saving lifeline when all is too difficult. So I give thanks today for who our God is and for each of my dear family and friends who have reached out and been an extension of God's goodness to the kids and I in this difficult year.  I give thanks for you.  Always.

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