Monday, April 9, 2018

Air Force song 🎶

It is Monday, which means Charlie is at symphony practice this evening.  He plays the clarinet with a local youth symphony.  I usually use the two hour practice time to run errands or catch up on my homework reading.  And I did spent the majority of the evening doing that but I got to his rehearsal a little early today and the door to the band room is open (because it is 85 degrees outside today!).  So I am waiting outside in the warm evening air just listening.  And I hear the Air Force song begin to play...  I knew Charlie’s next concert was going to have a patriotic theme to it and I guess I even realized he would be playing the Armed Forces Melody song.  But to stand outside and actually hear his group playing the Air Force song tonight on this beautiful evening just had moved me to tears.  The song always has, as I heard it so many times over Ryan’s career.  A mixture of gratitude, pride, patriotism, fear, joy, and sadness.  Music always moves my heart anyway but songs that mean something, even more so.  And to hear my son playing a song so familiar to me.  And they are good, like really good.  The youth symphony is playing this difficult song so beautifully.  I realize how proud Ryan would be of our Charlie’s talent and ability.  It just makes me emotional.  I guess songs are supposed to move the heart and do that, right?  God have mercy if I make it through the concert in May!  Anyone want to bring a box of tissue and attend with me??
🇺🇸 🎼

April 16th UPDATE:  Charlie’s two concert dates are May 6th and May 16th.  I knew about the May 6th performance, but the extra performance on May 16th was just added today.  May 16th is Ryan’s birthday.  He would have been turning 41 that day.  Last year we celebrated May 16th by having a “daddy day” of visiting the cemetery and then eating Ryan’s favorite foods and doing things Ryan would have enjoyed.  This year I had planned to do that again but then Charlie will be playing with the symphony that evening.  I am not sure how I will handle hearing Charlie play the Air Force song and other patriotic favorites on Ryan’s birthday.  It is so weird to me that this extra concert got added on that day!  God must have a purpose for that.  All are welcome to attend either performance with me next month, just let me know and I will get extra tickets.
SLO youth symphony
a picture of Charlie’s group in the March concert last month

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