Wednesday, December 27, 2017

new year belovedness charter

Something we were required to do for my residency back in October was to write a personal “Beloved Charter.”  This is where you go back through your favorite Scriptures or select verses that spoke to your heart in some way and you rewrite them as God speaking directly to you.  The result is a deeply personal statement of God’s love towards yourself, grounded in the truth of God’s promises.  
The truth is that each of us are God’s own beloved children and writing this individual declaration is a way to let that truth sink deep into our hearts.  Rereading it daily can be a way to reaffirm our own belovedness each day.  Because until we know and can claim our own belovedness, we will have a difficult time loving others as Christ loves.  This exercise, of forming my beloved charter and reading over it, was transforming for me.  It reminds me daily of my identity in God’s eyes in such a beautiful way and the exact verses have even changed or evolved over time as God brings new promises to my awareness.  I wanted to share my current charter below, along with the verse references that I wrote it from at the bottom.  And as we start a new year, I urge you all to write your own charter.  Just look for verses that speak to you, write them down, and see what forms and how it changes.  The result will be a personal love letter just for you because you are God’s beloved child.

My Personal Beloved Charter:
“Jennifer, I am in your midst. I rejoice over you with gladness. I quiet you with my love (1). Why are you anxious? I know all your longings and your sighing is not hidden from me. Consider the lilies (2). With confidence draw near to the throne of grace (3). My grace is sufficient for you (4). I show the immeasurable riches of my grace in kindness toward you in Christ Jesus. It is my gift (5). I did not spare my son, but gave him up for you, how will I not also with him graciously give you all things (6). You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you (7). In my book are written the days that were formed for you. Your soul knows it very well (8).”

1) Zephaniah 3:17
2) Matthew 6:28 & Psalm 38:9
3)Hebrews 4:16
4) 2 Corinthians 12:9
5) Ephesians 2:7-8 
6) Romans 8:32
7) 1 Samual 26:24, John 16:27, Jeremiah 30:19
8) Psalm 139:16 & 14
Trevor Hudson

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