Thursday, October 5, 2017

how to have a kingdom heart

"Jesus... does not tell us what to do, but how to do it."

"Do whatever you do without hostility, bitterness, and the merciless drive to win.  Be prepared to sacrifice your interest for that of another, if that seems wise.  And keep a joyous confidence in God, regardless of what happens."

-Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy chapter on "The Rightness of the Kingdom Heart: Beyond the Goodness of the Scribes and Pharisees"

I read the above quote this morning and it is exactly the piece that has been missing in my prayer life.  I SO often pray that God tell me what decision to make or lead me in His will for a specific situation that I am "stuck in" (aka obsessing over), but what I am truly asking when I do that is for God to tell me what to do so I do not have to make the decision myself!  When what I really should be asking Him is to reveal HOW I should live my daily life and then the details of my decision-making will fall into place according to His will.  I very badly needed this subtle reminder today, so I am sharing it in case you do too!

Also, please pray for me this next week.  I am attending the first of the four required week long residencies in my study program.  I will be away from my kids for the whole week (my family is oh so sweetly staying at my house to care for them and drive them to their activities all week!).  I am feeling anxious about being away for seven days and I have been so distracted this week!  Really, really distracted.  Please pray that I can let every distraction go and truly immerse myself in the blessings of the seminars and teachings next week, learning to how to do what God wills with that joyous confidence Willard mentions above!

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