Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Today we lost our dear sweet Dana.  She was having a difficult time jumping yesterday morning and I knew things were a little "off."  By dinner time, Dana just laid down next to her food bowl and wouldn't get up or eat.  Our on-call vet gave me some instructions but basically there was little we could do. Dana has had hyper thyroid and kidney disease for the past two years.  But she's been a fighter and stayed spunky and active all this time.  I knew when she curled up next to me and looked at me last night that she was done fighting.  I spent the night lying next to her, giving her sips of water.  Finally this morning I knew she was getting worse and not rallying back, so I took her in to our vet.  The vet confirmed she was in final kidney failure and I had to say my good-byes.  Difficult, difficult morning.
The kids were of course crying and hysterical last night.  My friend from Texas is visiting this week and while I am sorry she had to be part of a sad good-bye, I am SO glad she is here to comfort and distract the kids for me.  The girls just left on a road trip for a few days and I am glad Katherine has some time away with her BFF.  I pray it is a healing and joyful time for her amidst so much pain this year!

Our "first born" Dana was 15 years old.  Ryan got her for my birthday at a shelter in Shreveport, Louisiana in 2001.  She was our loyal, loving and quirky little calico.  We joked that she was not all that smart, but she was sure beautiful!  And although she was for me, Dana always adored Ryan so much more than anyone else. Amidst my tears today, I am joyful picturing Dana's reunion with her daddy in heaven.  I have no doubt she is curled up in Ryan's arms today, where she really belongs.   Ryan loved his baby girl so much.  I love and miss you so much, precious Dana.
October 2001

Dana curled up yesterday

on Ryan's lap

this past Christmas

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