Thursday, September 22, 2016


This morning I am sitting for a few moments in our empty house, waiting for the moving van to show up at any minute.  A hug mixture of emotions today.  On top of that, we just got an offer on our house in Texas this morning. so it is under contract to sell as of today. Again, a huge mixture of emotions - relief, sadness, sigh.  That was supposed to be our "forever" house and now I sit in a "new forever" house.  Or I guess I should call it a "what God has given me in this season house," because life is unpredictable.  
And if that wasn't enough for my emotions to handle, Ryan's headstone is being delivered to the cemetery this morning, as well.  The mortuary just called to let me know.  And OSI contacted me to let me know they are wrapping up their investigation this week too.  That information is important to me because I think it will contain details that Ryan's squadrons could use to implement positive changes.  
So I truly feel as though the world is throwing all the emotional challenges it can at me in one big day!  I am thankful for these few quiet moments to sit and reflect and process before that big truck shows up and I am surrounded by the chaos of movers and family and unpacking.  Please pray for us today, it is a lot to process!  I hear the truck's engine now... here we go!  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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