Wednesday, September 14, 2016

ask & listen

The first step to suicide prevention really is to ask people how they are doing.  Then listen.  Like really listen.  We have gotten so used to using "how are you?" and answering "fine" as greetings to one another, that we have forgotten how to truly connect with others.  But taking the time to do that could make all the difference.  You see, I believe those with depression and suicidal thoughts are actively looking for that glimmer of light in the darkness, that reason however small to keep fighting.  They are seeking it desperately as a way to fight the pain consuming them.  Your smile, your genuine asking, and the gift of listening could be that piece of sunlight they needed to keep going, to safely voice their need for help, to be honest with their pain.  Let's be honest with each other, let's talk and connect and care.  And when I ask, "how are you doing, precious friend?" know that I truly want to know how you are doing.

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