Sunday, July 24, 2016

the w box

In my search for a church home, I visited a new church today. Sitting and waiting for service to start, I picked up the visitor card and started to fill it out. After I entered my name there was a space to check my status (married, single, widowed, etc). I instinctively went to check "married" when it suddenly struck me that I should possibly check the box for "widowed." I sat for a minute, completely unsure what to do... I am still married, right? How dare someone make me think (or check a box) otherwise! Or did our vows say "until death do us part"? But I am still alive and married in my heart. Oh, the questions and emotions swirling through my mind as I come to grips with my new reality. I know this type of situation is going to start to come up often and I have to acknowledge that dreaded "w box" status at some point but, oh, how I am not ready to do that yet. It feels like having to say good-bye all over again each time.

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